Devoncare caters for all your complex care needs. Each client’s need is different, we recognise this and listen to your requirements and tailor our services to meet your needs.
Care can be funded in different ways according to the situation or requirements of the individual. The funding process can be difficult for individuals to understand but we're experienced in negotiating this area of care.
Home care is funded in three principal ways:-
NHS Continuing Healthcare is committed to provide funding for home care for patients requiring on going care due to disability, major illness, accident or they have a complex medical need. This type of funding is Not means tested.
This is means tested and subject to certain conditions regarding savings and assets. In the UK the limit is £23.250 in Wales £24.000. It is still worth talking to your Local Authority about other assistance and services that might be available to you following their assessment.
As the name implies, you personally fund the care needed because you either do not meet the criteria as shown above or your circumstances are not deemed eligible following assessment.
Devoncare is on hand to help you through this process. Call us and we will help to guide you through the process.
Get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team...
Telephone: 01752 522 522
A high-quality care service, based on the principles of good care practice and core values for each person we support. We complete an initial assessment to ensure we can meet a person’s needs, and risk assessments identify how risks need to be managed. We maintain systematic and ongoing planning of care for each person, in partnership with care managers and other health or social care professionals.
By actively promoting choice, privacy, dignity, fulfilment, and independence of each person we support. When a service user has capacity to consent to their care, they sign a consent form following the initial assessment. If a person lacks capacity to make appropriate decisions, we complete follow local and national guidelines and always act in their Best Interests.
We ensure that our team complete their roles confidently, safely and effectively and that they have the skills to complete all tasks assigned to them. Staff have access to all policies and procedures. We have regular team meetings, supervisions, and annual appraisals. All staff receive statutory and mandatory training which includes the following and more.
To ensure our fitness of purpose and practice. We are committed to achieving our aims and objectives through providing a quality service, with continuous review, leading to improvement of the care and support we provide in line with best practice guidance. We are required to meet national minimum standards for complex care agencies and supported living arrangements.
We assist with tasks as discussed with you, helping to maintain independence at home. This can include: washing and dressing, help to get up and go to bed, toilet assistance, bathing, sitting service/companionship and sleepovers. Our staff team also offer help with household tasks including shopping, domestic housework, laundry and preparing meals. We ensure care and support is safe, caring, responsive, effective, and well led.
Devoncare caters for all your complex care needs. Each client’s need is different, we recognise this and listen to your requirements and tailor our services to meet your needs.
Having a live in carer allows you to stay in your own home and lead as normal a life as possible. Live in carers duties vary and can include some domestic work, such as light cleaning, helping with or preparing food, assisting the client with bathing and dressing. They may also accompany the client on shopping trips, walks etc.
Dementia is a term used to cover a range of progressive disorders affecting the brain. Arguably the best known is Alzheimer’s disease.
There is no set reason or age for a person requiring personal care. Devoncare can provide the type of Personal care that fits the individual client needs. This could be a short term requirement, or an ongoing. Either way Devoncare will be able to satisfy the clients needs.
Palliative care sometimes called "supportive care" is ongoing care for someone with a terminal illness and their family. The aim is to ensure the person enjoys as fulfilling a quality of life as possible given their circumstance.
End of life care is similar in many ways to Palliative care. The main difference is this is providing support, care and treatment for people nearing the end of life.